Industrial mezzanines offer a cost-effective solution to increasing valuable floor space without incurring the high cost of new building construction. Mezzanines are ideal for virtually any number of commercial and industrial applications. These freestanding structures are custom designed to meet your size, load, span, and height requirements. They offer you a great deal of flexibility when considering future expansion either within your existing facility or when considering a new location.
CHC will work with you throughout every stage of the project, from design through installation, resulting in quality manufactured mezzanine system maximizing your space and your worker productivity.
Free Standing Structural Mezzanines
These mezzanines can be designed to reduce the number of columns needed to support the mezzanine. The surface can be open bar grating, plywood, ResinDek or plank grating. These mezzanines can be single or multi-level. Free standing mezzanines provide tax advantages as they are considered capital equipment that depreciates in a shorter timeframe than a building.
Rack Supported Mezzanines
Using pallet racking components, the mezzanine structure can be designed to accommodate the picking profile needed on the bottom level. While the mezzanine rack uprights support the upper level, the lower level uprights can be used to support any combination of shelving, carton flow rack or pallet flow. The upper level surface can be open bar grating, plank grating, plywood or ResinDek. These mezzanines can be single or multi-level.
Shelving Supported Mezzanines
Open or closed shelving components can be utilized to construct a mezzanine structure for parts storage or picking on both levels. Flooring can be open bar grating, plank grating, plywood or ResinDek.
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